what’s on my mind?


Saniya Saleem
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

I wish to write about you as obsessively as you cross my mind every day, every moment.

The glances we shared, the silence we spoke, the love we never held, is all on my mind when I go out and see your face in crowds.

The hunger for your touch and the craving to write about you incessantly and religiously never stops. It has come to the point where it suffocates me, but it also doesn't kill me. Not even a bit, not even at all.

It's like that kid who can’t wait to grow up. Like the flower counting days to bloom. But adulthood never comes, and the seed never grows.

Even if it breaks my bones, and tires my soul, and your thoughts follow me into an abyss, I’d still won't want you to leave my mind.

I wanna wear your name around my neck, wrap my existence in the idea of you, fill my eyes with the sight of you, memorize the freckles on your face like a map, hold your hands like its sacred, follow the curve of your lip like its a ride to heaven, consume every fiber of your being, your smile, your voice, your touch, your kiss, and everything about you that reminds me of you.

Maybe I'm delusional, I hallucinate you holding my face in your palms like a mirror that’s too delicate to touch, that if you don't hold it gently it might break.

Is this all in my head or do I also occupy as much space in your mind as you do in mine?

